Simple and affordable plans for every budget.

With Textly, you only pay for what you use. Credits* never expire and the only optional monthly cost is $5 for a personal phone number.

10 cents per Credit


/ 100 Credits
7 Cents per Credit


/ 500 Credits
6 Cents per Credit


/ 1000 Credits
5 Cents per Credit


/ 5000 Credits
4 Cents per Credit


/ 10000 Credits
3 Cents per Credit


/ 20000 Credits


SMS Character Limits

One credit is used to send a single text message. The character limit for a single SMS message is 160 characters. However, most modern phones and networks support concatenation; they segment and rebuild messages up to 1600 characters. Messages not using GSM-7 encoding are limited to 70 characters.

SMS Message Length and Character Encoding

When you send a SMS message over 160 characters, the message will be split into multiple messages. Large messages are segmented into 153 character segments and sent individually, then rebuilt by the recipient’s device. For example, a 161-character message will be sent as two messages, one with 153 characters and the second with 8 characters. The cost for this message is 2 credits.

If you include non-GSM characters, such as Chinese script, in SMS messages, those messages have to be sent via UCS-2 encoding. Messages containing any UCS-2 characters are limited to 70 characters and will be concatenated into 67 character message segments, even if the messages contain fewer than 160 characters.


Any attached media costs 1 credit per attachment, in addition to any credits required for the message text.

Lifetime Credits

Credits never expire, as long as you send out at least one text message per year.